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Saturday, September 15, 2012


I have practiced a diet for a long time, I lost a lot of kilos, but why didn’t I reduce the volume of the legs?
Cellulite involves captured fat and toxins that the body can not dissolve or remove, so no diet can reduce the amount of cellulite. Moderate healthy nutrition can only be prevention to appearance of new cellulite.
I was on anti-cellulite program with electrotherapy. There were some results, but my cellulite emerged after several months. How?
Electrotherapy has no impact on cellulite! With this method, your muscles and skin are strained, so your cellulite has only become less visible. As soon as the skin and muscles relaxed, your cellulite has become visible again. Cellulite does not arise and become visible for several months. It is a slow degenerative process that takes years and requires a serious approach. As for the electrotherapy, it makes sense only when other methods open cellulite capsules and release liquid, fat and toxins. Then Electrotherapy enables their final removal from the body.
Can some physical activities remove cellulite?
Cellulite can not be removed thanks to physical activity, it is only the prevention to cellulite appearance. Muscle straining only reduces the visibility of cellulite. Intense physical activities can even lead to the deterioration of existing cellulite, because in that case so needed oxygen, which is lacking in zones that have already been affected by cellulite, is wasting to the muscles.
Is massage good for cellulite?
Technique of hand anti-cellulite massage that is carried out properly, involves mild movements that stimulate lymphatic drainage and thereby allow expulsion of excess fluid and toxins. Thus it is used as an auxiliary method in the phase of dissolved cellulite elimination, or as a preventative. Grave, painful massage aggravates existing cellulite.
I have used anti-cellulite tea and I am not satisfied with the results achieved. What is its effect?
Tea generally has a preventive effect, acts like diuretic, i.e. causes increased urination. You should bear in your mind that in this way you only removes the liquid that surrounds the cellulite capsules in the subcutaneous fat, not the capsules themselves, or fluid that makes their content. Persistent use of this tea can cause unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness and headaches that occur as a result of the blood pressure fall. This type of tea has no effect on already formed cellulite.
I have tried many creams and gels, but there were no improvements in the places of expressed, visible cellulite. Why?
The answer is simple. There were no results since their effect is also mostly preventive, i.e. based on the stimulation of local circulation and diuresis. Also, some products have a positive effect on skin tonicity, strengthening the connective tissue of the skin so they can provide partial improvements.

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